What happens if I don’t reach a milestone?
If the objectives of a milestone are not achieved, the roadmap must be revised and submitted to PIQ Management for presentation to the PIQ Expert Committee. PIQ Management then takes a decision on whether the programme should be continued or terminated prematurely, on the recommendation of the PIQ Expert Committee.
What happens to the project if I change employer?
PIQ funding is contracted with an institution. PIQ funding cannot be transferred.
Can my project be stopped?
Yes, a PIQ project can be stopped, either because PIQ funding is no longer necessary or adequate, for example if the project has found a new source of funding, or because a milestone has not been reached and the revised roadmap has not been approved by the PIQ Expert Committee.
What happens to a PhD student or postdoctoral researcher if the project exits the programme?
In the event of an exit from the programme, funding for the employment of people is maintained.